FBM230 P0926GU控制DCS系统冗余模块

FOXBORO福克斯波罗FBM230 P0926GU控制DCS系统冗余模块 ,也称 FOXBORO MARKER ONE控制模块,是福克斯波罗的第三代控制器。产品的核心是 FX系列数字微处理器, FXBORO MARKER软件具有更高的性能和灵活性。与之前的 SCADA系统相比,该系统采用了 EML (电气层)和 BIOS等通信技术,可实现全数字控制功能。FOXBORO MARKER控制器模块具备低功耗特性,采用了符合IEC61228标准的电源供电方式,拥有高效低功耗设计理念,使得系统在低至40 mA大电流下均能稳定工作。同时采用了技术的电源滤波技术使 FOXBORO MARKER在长时间使用中也能保持高电平,确保了系统在频繁断电环境下依然能够安全运行。福克斯波罗还支持多路、复杂负载模式操作策略,可使系统始终维持在佳状态。控制器模块的自动报警功能可以实现设备的自我诊断,并能通过数据采集技术和设备维护平台技术对故障信息进行分析反馈和预测控制处理以避免事故发生。可按下列方法进行自动报警:a.监视异常报警:当一台设备因故障停止运行时,报警器将会向主控 CPU发出故障信号,设备将会对故障原因进行分析并发出警告;b.故障提示:当设备无法启动时会通过报警信息告知用户;c.故障排除:当确认设备状态正常时,将向主 CPU发出故障排除提示;d.故障确认:当出现故障时设备会向主 CPU发出故障确认指令;f.恢复状态说明:当故障消除后设备会恢复运行;g.故障恢复:故障报告中会列出故障原因,设备恢复后设备可以正常工作。FOXBORO控制器采用模块化设计,配置灵活,具有完善的接口及功能模块,使其能兼容多种系统。FOXBORO控制器可以连接各种电子设备。如 PLC、 FPGA、传感器等,无需对各设备进行集成。在某些情况下,需要对控制器中存储的所有数据进行读写处理。FOXBORO控制器可以根据用户需要配置存储模块。用户可根据需要对模块进行升级或拆卸。系统中所需的所有存储器可通过外部存储器(如 FCC、 FEM或 TCP)访问。

Performance characteristics
Rich and isolated channels: with 16 20mA DC analog input channels, each 8 input channels are isolated as a group, which can effectively prevent interference between channels and improve the accuracy of signal acquisition.
Good signal compatibility: Each channel can accept two-wire analog sensor inputs such as 4 to 20mA transmitters or self-powered 20mA sources, and can be compatible with a variety of field devices.
High conversion accuracy: the conversion accuracy is ±0.03% of the range, and the analog signal of the field sensor can be accurately converted to digital signal for system processing.
Strong anti-interference ability: at 50 or 60Hz, the suppression ability of normal mode interference is greater than 35dB, which can effectively resist electromagnetic interference in industrial sites.
Flexible configuration: Analog input applications can be implemented to provide configurable options for conversion time and rate of change limits, which users can flexibly adjust according to actual needs.
Application field
Oil and gas industry: Used for the collection and monitoring of pressure, temperature, flow and other parameters in the process of oil and gas exploitation, transportation and processing.
Chemical industry: In the chemical production process, the temperature, pressure, liquid level, composition and other parameters of various chemical reactions are monitored and controlled in real time.
Power industry: It can be used to collect the operating parameters of generator sets, substations and other equipment in power plants, such as the current, voltage and power of generators.
Water treatment industry: In the process of sewage treatment and tap water production, water quality parameters such as pH, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, etc. are monitored and controlled.
Machinery manufacturing industry: used for CNC machine tools, automatic production lines and other equipment status monitoring and control, such as machine tool cutting force, speed, position and other parameters collection.
FCP270 P0917YZ 处理器
FCM10E P0914YM 现场总线通讯组件
FCM10EF P0916CD 现场总线通讯组件
FBM201 P0914SQ 8通道0~20mA输入接口组件 8 AI
FBM201b P0922YH 8通道0~100mV输入接口组件 8 AI
FBM201c P0922YJ 8通道0~5Vdc输入接口组件 8 AI
FBM201d P0922YK 8通道0~10Vdc输入接口组件 8 AI
FBM202 P0926EQ 8通道热电偶/毫伏输入接口组件 8 T/C
FBM203 P0914SV 8通道热电阻输入接口组件 (Platinum) 8 RTD
FBM203b P0922UA 8通道热电阻输入接口组件 (Nickel) 8 RTD
FBM203c P0922UD 8通道热电阻输入接口组件 (Copper) 8 RTD
FBM204 P0914SY 8通道0~20mA输入输出接口组件 4 AI / 4 AO
FBM205 P0914XG 冗余8通道0-20mA输入/输出接口组件
FBM206 P0916CQ 8通道脉冲输入接口组件 8 PI
FBM207 P0914TD 16通道电压输入接口组件 16 DI
FBM207b P0914WH 16通道24Vdc触点输入接口组件 16 DI
FBM207c P0917GY 16通道48Vdc触点输入接口组件 16 DI
FBM208 P0914TB 带输出回读冗余8通道0~20mA输入/输出接口组件 冗余4 AI / 4 AO
FBM211 P0914TN 16通道0~20mA输入接口组件 16 AI
FBM212 P0914XL 14通道热电偶输入接口组件 14 T/C
FBM213 P0914XN 8通道热电阻输入接口组件
FBM214 P0914XQ 8通道HART通讯输入接口组件 8 HART输入
FBM215 P0922VU 8通道HART通讯输出接口组件 8 HART输出
FBM216 0922VV 冗余8通道0~20mA/HART输入接口组件 冗余8 AI/HART输入
FBM217 P0914TR 32通道离散量输入接口组件 32 DI
FBM218 P0922VW 冗余8通道0~20mA/HART输出接口组件 冗余8 AO/HART输出
FBM219 P0916RH 24通道电压输入,8通道离散量输出接口组件 24 DI / 8 DO
FBM220 P0917HA 1通道H1 FOUNDATION 现场总线接口组件
FBM221 P0917HB 4通道H1 FOUNDATION 现场总线接口组件
FBM223 P0917HD 2通道PROFIBUS-DP现场总线接口组件 2 DP 宿主机
FBM224 P0926GG 4通道 4口RS-232、RS-422或RS-485与Modbus通讯接口组件
FBM228 P0922QS 4段Foundation Fieldbus现场总线接口组件 4 H1
FBM230 P0926GU 4通道串口通讯单卡 4 RS232/442/485 端口
FBM231 P0926GV 4通道串口通讯冗余组件 4 RS232/442/485 端口
FBM232 P0926GW 10/100Mb Ethernet通讯单卡 1 10/100Mbps RJ45端口
FBM233 P0926GX 10/100Mb Ethernet通讯冗余组件 1 10/100Mbps RJ45端口/卡
FBM237 P0914XS 冗余8通道0~20mA输出接口组件 可选冗余8 AO
FBM240 P0917GZ 冗余输出接口组件
FBM241 P0914TG 8通道电压输入,8通道离散量