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ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块

型号: ABB SPIIT13  分类: ABB/瑞士/模块/触摸屏

ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块 ABB INIIT13数位量输入模块的具体产品功能目前并不清楚。我们不拥有关于ABB INIIT13数位量输入模块的具体技术细节。 一般来说,数位量输入模块通常用于工业自动化和控制系统中,用于接收外部数位信号。以下是一些数位量输入模块可能具备的功能: 数位输入信道:数位量输入模块可能具有多个数位输入信道,用于接收外部设备或传感器发送的数位信号。 高速输入:部分数位量输入模块可能支持高速输入,能够处理快速变化的数位信号。 数位滤波:模块可能具有数位滤波功能,以过滤噪声和稳定输入信号。 逻辑状态监测:数位量输入模块可能支持逻辑状态监测,可以检测和记录数位信号的状态变化。 故障检测:模块可能配备内置的故障检测和自我诊断功能,可监视自身运行状态并及时报告异常。 紧急停止功能:在某些工业应用中,数位量输入模块可能支持紧急停止功能,以保护人员和设备安全。
ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块 ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块 ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块 ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块

INIIT13 是一款基于ATMEL AT91SAM9263处理器的一款嵌入式核心模块,标准的90mm×96mm PC104架构,具有丰富的 I/O扩展功能,为嵌入式应用提供了方便的扩展功能,配合各种外围扩展接口板实现各种工业型数据采集。


  ◆ 硬件特性

  → 处理器:AT91SAM9263,ARM926EJ-S内核,200MHz的主频,工业级;

  → SDRAM:2片32M×16bit SDRAM,共64M;

  → Flash存储:8MB Data Flash存储,64MB NAND Flash存储(可替换为128M);

  → RTC:RTC实时时钟,后备锂电池,带掉电保存功能;

  → 看门狗:看门狗时间可通过软件设置,确保系统可靠运行;

  → 复位电路:支持系统上电复位和系统运行时的手动复位;

  → 以太网:10/100Mbps以太网,板载PHY芯片;

  → 串行接口:CPU自带3个UART,外部扩展4个UART(其中一个为DEBUG);

  → CAN接口:1路CAN总线接口,支持CAN2.0A、CAN2.0B通信协议;

  → USB接口:2路USB2.0 HOST,1路USB2.0 Device,12Mbps全速运行;

  → 存储卡接口:一个标准的CF卡接口,扩展8G;

  → PC104接口:基于PC104标准的接口设计;

  → GPIO接口:支持多个GPIO功能扩展;

  → 电源:5V供电,低功耗。

  Product introduction:

  INIIT13 It is an embedded core module based on ATMEL AT91SAM9263 processor, standard 90mm × 96mm PC104 architecture has rich I / O expansion functions, provides convenient expansion functions for embedded applications, and realizes various industrial data acquisition with various peripheral expansion interface boards.

  The core module has the advantages of high integration, low power consumption, compact structure, small volume and strong anti-interference ability. It is widely used in industrial control, environmental testing, touch screen control, power monitoring, communication equipment, network terminal and so on.

  ◆ hardware characteristics

  → processor: AT91SAM9263, ARM926EJ-S core, 200MHz main frequency, industrial grade;

  → SDRAM: 2 pieces of 32m × 16bit SDRAM, 64M in total;

  → flash storage: 8MB data flash storage, 64MB NAND flash storage (can be replaced by 128M);

  → RTC: RTC real-time clock, backup lithium battery, with power down saving function;

  → watchdog: the watchdog time can be set by software to ensure the reliable operation of the system;

  → reset circuit: support system power on reset and manual reset during system operation;

  → Ethernet: 10 / 100Mbps Ethernet, onboard PHY chip;

  → serial interface: the CPU is equipped with 3 UARTS and the external expansion is 4 UARTS (one of which is debug);

  → can interface: 1-way can bus interface, supporting can2 0A、CAN2. 0b communication protocol;

  → USB interface: 2-way USB2 0 host, 1 USB2 0 device, 12mbps full speed operation;

  → memory card interface: a standard CF card interface, with a maximum expansion of 8G;

  → PC104 interface: interface design based on PC104 standard;

  → GPIO interface: support multiple GPIO function extensions;

  → power supply: 5V power supply, low power consumption.

ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块 ABB SPIIT13模拟量模块

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