根据被控对象对 PLC 控制系统的功能要求,确定系统所需的用户输入、输出设备。常用的输入设备有按钮、选择开关、行程开关、传感器等,常用的输出设备有继电器、接触器、指示灯、电磁阀等。
选择合适的 PLC 类型
根据已确定的用户 I/O 设备,统计所需的输入信号和输出信号的点数,选择合适的 PLC 类型,包括机型的选择、容量的选择、 I/O 模块的选择、电源模块的选择等。
分配 I/O 点
分配 PLC 的输入输出点,编制出输入 / 输出分配表或者画出输入 / 输出端子的接线图。接着九可以进行 PLC 程序设计,同时可进行控制柜或操作台的设计和现场施工。
联系人:郑世玉 销售经理
Q Q:3773100919
网站:www.szcxplc.com www.fccxauto.com
METSOIOP304 can be mitigated by the concept of threading
Abstraction is a powerful mechanism for dealing with complex and disparate (hardware) tasks in a well-defined, generic way. One of the most basic operating system abstractions is the process. A process is a running application that thinks it is running independently on the underlying virtual hardware (provided by the operating system). This can be mitigated by the concept of threading, allowing different tasks to run concurrently on this virtual hardware to take advantage of task-level parallelism. In order to allow different processes and threads to coordinate their work, the operating system must provide communication and synchronization methods.
In addition to abstraction, resource management of the underlying hardware components is also necessary, because the hypothetical computers provided to processes and threads by the operating system need to spatially and temporarily share available physical resources (processors, memory, and devices).
According to the functional requirements of the controlled object to the PLC control system, determine the user input and output equipment required by the system. The commonly used input devices are buttons, select switches, stroke switches, sensors, etc., and the commonly used output devices are relays, contactors, indicators, solenoid valves, etc.
Select the right PLC type
According to the determined user I/O equipment, the number of required input signals and output signals is counted, and the appropriate PLC type is selected, including the choice of model, the choice of capacity, the choice of I/O module, the choice of power module, etc.
3BSE018295R1 | CR215GH87 | BENTLY 149992-01 | TRIC0NEX DI3301 | XBTMEM08 |
PM904F | IS420UCSBH4A | BENTLY 176449-01 | TRIC0NEX D03401 | XBTGK5330 |
3BDH001002R0001 | PCH1026 | 1900/65A-01-00-01-00-00 | TRICONEX MP3101 | TSX07311612 |
TP854 | IC200ALG327H | 1900/65A-01-01-03-00-00 | TRIC0NEX 20064 | SDC40 |
3BSE025349R1 | DS200FGPAG1AHD | 1900-65A-01-01-01-01-01 | TRIC0NEX-2058 | RXZE1M114M |
PM865K01 | V7768-320001 | BENTLY 21502-06 | TRICONEX-2551 | PC-A984-130 |
3BSE031151R1 | 369-HI-0-M-0-0 | 21504-00-28-10-02 | TRICONEX-2658 | NS 100H 3P 100A |
TB850 | 369-HI-0-M-0-0-0-E | BENTLY 24134-02 | TRICONEX-3003 | NC100H D100A |
3BSC950193R1 | IS200SPIDG1ABA | 24765-01-01 | TRICONEX-3006 | NC100H C63A |
32SE018173R1 | IS220PPRFH1B | 3300/03-01-01 | TRICONEX-3008 | 140DDI85300 |
PFEA112-65 | GE RV33-1 | 3300/14-02 | TRICONEX-3501E | 140DDI35310 |
3BSE030369R0065 | VMICPCI-7806 | BENTLY 3300/15 | TRICONEX-3502E | 140DAO84210 |
CI626A | IS200EGDMH1AFF | BENTLY 3300/20 | TRICONEX-3503E | 140DAO84000 |
3BSE005029R1 | IS200EPSMG1AED | 3300/20-12-01-01-00-00 | TRICONEX-3607E | 140CRA21210 |
OCAH 940181103 | SR745-W3-P5-G5-HI | 3300/20-12-01-01-00-01 | TRICONEX-3624 | 140CPS12420 |
IBA 940143201 | IC660ELB921M | BENTLY 3300/40 | TRICONEX-3636R | 140CPS12400R |
OCAHG 492838402 | CP238TA | BENTLY 3300/45 | TRICONEX-3664 | 140CPS12400 |
RDCU-12C | WESDAC D20A/0511-01010 | BENTLY 3300/50 | TRICONEX-3700 | TSX3721101 |
TP857 | IC693CPU374 | 3300/55-04-03-0808 | TRICONEX-3701 | TSX073L2028 |
3BSE030192R1 | HE693ADC409A-22 | 330100-50-05 | TRICONEX-3703E | TSX07312422 |
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